Monday, May 3, 2010

Post 9

Emery is now just over a month old and I can not believe how fast time is flying! Everyone keeps saying they grow up so fast and they are definitely right. It is crazy because I feel like I should already be feeding him baby food and getting him ready to walk! I know that he has a ways to go before he is ready for all that; but nonetheless he is growing so quickly.

For the most part I have really enjoyed all the growing. I love comparing the pictures of him now to those from when he was in the hospital and see how different only a month makes. However, not all of the growing is that great. With the growth comes sleepless nights and hourly feedings that I am not so fond of! At the end of the day it is all worth it though. And like the Bible says, joy is there in the morning. Even if my little boy is up til two in the morning and every hour after that I still love him so incredibly much.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Post 8

Emery has now been at home for a little over a week. He has been doing great and is getting adjusted to his life at home. The first few days were a bit rough with him waking up every hour; but he is getting the hang of sleeping at night...even though he still sleeps most of the day! Oddly enough even though it seems that all he does is sleep I feel that I never have enough time to get things done. I am still getting the hang of doing things with one hand, and dividing my attention between a fussing baby and whatever else I have going on.

Overall it is going great though. He has been experiencing lots of fun first; such as going to church, going on his first walk and his first time being babysat by Grandma. Taking care of him can be a lot of work but I love being his mom! Everyone keeps telling me to enjoy these times because they go so fast, and I agree. It seems like he was just born, but really it has been almost a month. It's crazy how that works.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

post 7

This past week has continued to be very excited for our little family. Baby Emery continues to do extremely well and is so close to being done with his antibiotics. Today is our last day here at the hospital, and he will be coming home sometime tomorrow! It is very exciting because after tomorrow he will experience many firsts. His first time outside the hospital, first time meeting his younger aunts and uncles, and so much more!

As great as the nurses and staff have been here at Methodist, I am so excited to be getting out of the hospital and into our home. I think that once we finally have the ability to take him with us it will become real that he is actually our baby and we are a family. Right now it still seems a little surreal, and the coming home will be a great experience for all of us.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Post 6

This past week and a half has been crazy for me. I had an induction set for Monday the 29th of March, but Emery decided that he wanted to choose his birthday and was born at 10:50 on Friday, March 26th. He was 7lb 30z and 21in. He is a beautiful baby with a full head of hair and lots of daddy's features; long fingers, big feet and beautiful eyes!

Emery did have an infection upon birth and was immediately taken to the newborn intensive care unit. He has been there since birth but God has definitely been taking care of him. Aside from issues with establishing a stable iv for his antibiotics he has not had any complications or major issues. He has been doing really well and is expected to come home this next Friday!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Post 5

Well yesterday was my due date. It has come and gone and still no baby yet! I am really really hoping that he decides to come within the next couple of days. My next appointment is Wednesday and after that I am not sure how long my doctor is going to want me to wait before we go the route of induction...which I am not exactly crazy about! On a positive note I am getting excited with all this anticipation waiting for him. Not knowing exactly when he is going to come somewhat drives me crazy but also can be exciting. Every little movement makes me wonder if I'm having a real contraction, or just a warm-up one...and whenever it seems that he is not climbing into my ribs I get excited and think he has dropped. Sadly he is usually just teasing me, and quickly returns to his favorite nesting place.

Hopefully the next time I write Emery will finally be here, but right now it seems as though I will be pregnant forever!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Post 4

My due date is now only 12 days away! It is so crazy to think about...Even crazier is the idea that I am hoping to have the baby either this Sunday or Monday, which is lesson than a week away. To think that in less than a week the baby I have been carrying for 9 months is FINALLY going to be here is beyond me. I feel very much like I did during the period of engagement before me and Jerrod got married. I had waited so long and wanted so much to be married, but it always seemed like something I would want and never have. As it got closer that feeling only heightened and everything felt like a dream; kind of like I was pretending to be engaged.

Now I feel that same way about becoming a mom. That is something I have always desired, and above all other callings in my life I feel that God placed me here to be a mom. I truly feel that it is my ultimate purpose in life. To raise powerhouse children that are going to be mightily used by God. It is very humbling and exciting all at the same time. I can not wait to see what God has in store for Emery!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Third Post

I just had another doctor's appointment yesterday and everything is going great! Little Emery's head is still down, heart is still beating strong and I have stayed the same weight...yahhh! We are now in the days countdown; with only 17 more days until the due date. Although we are not sure whether he will decide to come late, or early I still somewhat feel that he will be here in these next 17 days. I am really hoping for a week early, but really it is entirely up to him. I think that he is getting a little squished in there though so hopefully he agrees that spring break week is a good time to come.

Plus everyone is so excited to see him! His dad is always talking about how he can not wait to hold him and play with him...and he has tons of fans at church already, and they have not even seen how cute he is yet! He is going to be a very loved little baby.